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7. CHEN Hong-Fei, ZOU Ji-Qing, SHI Wei-Hong, et al. Thermal experiment of silicon PIN detector. Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP), 2008, 32(10): 820-824.
8. 于向前,陈鸿飞*,邹积清等. 空间粒子辐射探测器高压电源设计. 核电子学与探测技术,2008, 28(3):529-532.
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13. 陈鸿飞,邹积清,田大宇等. 离子注入PIN辐射探测器的测试分析. 核电子学与探测技术, 2005, 25(5), 457-460.
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17. Chen Hongfei(陈鸿飞), Chen Gengxiong(陈耿雄), Peng Fenglin(彭丰林), et al. Analysis of Sqp current systems by using corrected geomagnetic coordinates. Chinese Journal of Polar Science. 2000, V11(1): 59-66.